We are delighted to announce that a high court judge has looked at the case against Oxfordshire County Council (including their defence) and found that it is arguable that their Trans Inclusion Toolkit for Schools 2019 is unlawful. The case will therefore proceed to a full trial later this year.

This case is of crucial national importance. If the court decides in favour of the 13 year old girl who is taking legal action, other toolkits and resources that have similar elements, and are supported by Allsorts, Stonewall, and others are likely to also be unlawful.

We would like to thank the teenager for taking this step to protect the safety, dignity and privacy of all girls.

5 thoughts on “Application for Judicial Review of Oxfordshire’s Trans Guidance accepted

  1. This is a huge responsibility because the welfare of so many children and young adults is at stake. It seems that only a court will offer the reasoned exchange of arguments and rational evidence to penetrate the wall of rhetorical trickery within trans ideology. Bad science, pseudoscience, and corrupt science must be definitively challenged and exposed.

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